Saved by a Guardian Angel
upon a time, a man set out on a sea voyage, in the company of his friends. Midway through the journey, the boat began to take on water. As
it lisped and sank, everyone tried to
escape by swimming, but it was all in
drowned, with the exception of this man, who managed to cling to a floating object.
The strong winds buffeted and swept the floating object far far away, coming to rest on a small deserted
island, where neither man nor animal dwelled. The only living creatures he came across were the multitudes of insects that swarmed the place.
the sweat of his brow, he managed to build a small hut entirely out of straw.
stayed there for several days, feeding on fruits, and gradually adapting
himself to his new life of solitude and suffering,
even if one cannot truly get used to suffering as such.
He lost all hope of ever seeing his family again.
Every night, he lit a fire in front of
his humble home, to warm himself up. One
evening, he lit the fire, as he always did. He stayed out there for a very long time, until
he dozed off in peaceful slumber.
Late into
the night, he was awakened by an overwhelming sensation of extreme heat. His straw hut
had caught fire and was being ravaged by the flames!
He cried out loud, cursing God, shouting out in frustration:
"Oh God, what have I done to you, that you torture and hurt me so much?
Why are you so cruel? It is better to die, for I am truly tired of living and suffering in this manner!"
He cried out loud, cursing God, shouting out in frustration:
"Oh God, what have I done to you, that you torture and hurt me so much?
- You separated me from my family and brought me to this deserted island.
- You killed off all my friends,
- and now you stood by and let my hut burn down while you watched!
Why are you so cruel? It is better to die, for I am truly tired of living and suffering in this manner!"
While the man
was totally consumed in his anguish and sorrow, and bitterness shrouded him in gloom and desperation, behold, an apparition in the horizon!
At the crack of dawn, he saw a small boat coming towards him. When the boat landed, the totally astonished man bolted straight to the captain and exclaimed in astonishment:
"Captain, how did you get here? No boat can come this way unless it is lost."
At the crack of dawn, he saw a small boat coming towards him. When the boat landed, the totally astonished man bolted straight to the captain and exclaimed in astonishment:
"Captain, how did you get here? No boat can come this way unless it is lost."
captain replied:
"We saw a fire far off in the horizon late last night, and figured that it must be a burning ship. We were not able to arrive instantly, because the journey was long, arduous and treacherous.
"We saw a fire far off in the horizon late last night, and figured that it must be a burning ship. We were not able to arrive instantly, because the journey was long, arduous and treacherous.
You must
thank your God, because He used this fire as a locating flare, helping for us
to find you."
The man
cried, fell on his knees, and asked God for forgiveness. Then got into the boat and went home to his happy
the story: God has many ways to solve our myriad problems.
- You may lose a job and think that God has abandoned you, when in reality He just wants to clear the clutter and distraction and give you a better job.
- Your friends may abandon you, yes, but do not for one moment believe that the Lord has rejected you. He rather wants to remove you from the bad company that is dragging you down like a sinking ship.
Do not
curse your God, even if you suffer and are tempted into desperation.
Keep the faith and hope. Pray fervently!
He will surely move to rescue you, whom He loves so much, having created you in His own image.
He will surely move to rescue you, whom He loves so much, having created you in His own image.
from the French language. Atonaa Media Group AMG 2019.
Atonaa is a subsidiary of Computran Networks Corporation, a Big Data R& D Implementation Company. © 1977, 1988, 1997, 2019.
Atonaa is a subsidiary of Computran Networks Corporation, a Big Data R& D Implementation Company. © 1977, 1988, 1997, 2019.
En Français …
En Français …
Un jour, un homme décida
de voyager par navire avec ses amis. Arrivés au milieu de leur voyage, le
bateau commença à couler.
Tout le monde tenta de se
sauver par la nage, mais en vain, tous
se noyèrent sauf cet homme qui réussit à s'accrocher à un objet flottant. Avec
l'effet des vents violents, cette chose l'amena très loin, jusqu'à une petite
île où il n'y avait ni hommes ni animaux, juste quelques insectes.
A la sueur de son front,
il réussit à construire une petite case entièrement en paille.Il y demeura
plusieurs jours en se nourrissant de fruits, et commença à s'habituer à sa
nouvelle vie de souffrance même si on ne s'habitue pas à la souffrance: il
avait déjà perdu tout espoir de revoir un jour sa famille.
Chaque soir, il allumait
un feu devant sa maison pour se chauffer. Un certain soir, comme à
l'accoutumée, il alluma le feu. Il resta là pendant un long moment jusqu'à
s'assoupir. Tard dans la nuit,il fut reveillé par une chaleur accablante. C'était
sa case en paille qui avait pris feu. Il pleura, maudit Dieu en criant:'' Oh
Dieu,que t'ai-je fait de mal pour que tu me fasses souffrir ainsi? Tu m'as
séparé de ma famille pour m'amener sur cette île déserte, ensuite tu as fait
périr tous mes amis et maintenant tu laisses ma case brûler. Pourquoi es-tu si méchant? Mieux vaut mourir
parce que je suis fatigué de vivre dans cette souffrance!
Mais à l'aube, il vit un
petit bateau qui venait vers lui. Lorsque le bateau accosta, il courut droit
vers le capitaine et lui dit avec étonnement: "Monsieur le capitaine,
comment êtes-vous arrivé ici? Aucun bateau ne peut arriver à cet endroit, sauf
s'il s'est perdu''. Le capitaine lui répondit alors: ''Dans la nuit nous avons
vu un feu et nous avons cru que c'était un bateau qui brûlait. Si nous ne
sommes pas arrivés immédiatement, c'est parce que le voyage a été long.
Remercie ton Dieu car Il a utilisé le feu pour que nous te trouvions. L'homme
pleura, tomba à genoux et demanda pardon à Dieu. Il monta dans le
bateau, et rentra chez lui.
LEÇON: Dieu a
plusieurs façons de résoudre nos problèmes. Tu peux perdre un emploi et penser
que Dieu t'a laissé alors qu'Il veut te donner un emploi meilleur. Tes amis
peuvent te quitter, ne crois pas que l'Éternel t'a rejeté, Il veut plutôt
t'eloigner des mauvaises compagnies. Ne maudis pas ton Dieu même si tu
souffres, garde la foi et l'espoir, Il va agir.
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